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Crayola x AGO x Commit2Kids

Insight: The signs of sexual abuse (SA) in children are often overlooked by the adults in their lives because they lack the vocabulary to properly express themselves. 

Idea: Create an exhibit showcasing art from sexually abused children that depicts their trauma and allows people to hear what they’re saying without the need for words.

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Exhibition Statement:

We invite visitors to experience one of the most powerful mediums of communication a child has. The exhibition features works of art that depict signs of sexual abuse undergone by the young artists.  When words could not express what they went through, a blank page and Crayola did the talking. The exhibition is  a testament that some conversations are better had in silence. 

All the proceeds made from this event will be used to support Commit2Kids in their endeavour to reduce the risk of sexual abuse, and to make organizations a more comfortable and safe environment for the children they serve. "

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AD: Paola Gomez Witt

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